Archive for September 8, 2006

Do you find that you often gravitate to the “Comfort Foods” a little too much?
Why do we feel that food can help us through our emotional difficulties?
Do you put yourself down after you have gone through a binge?

Here is an article from the Mayo Clinic that might help.

The REAL Cost of Health

Posted: September 8, 2006 in Uncategorized

For all of you “numbers” people out there that feel eating right costs more money….

Read The Cost of Poor Health by Dr. Chester J. Zelasko, Ph.D

Crunch these numbers….

Looking for a Personal Trainer?

Posted: September 8, 2006 in Uncategorized

Want to get fit, but don’t know exactly how to do it or what to do…..get a Personal Trainer.

Here is some good information on how to identify if that person at the gym knows what he / she is doing or is just a muscle head.

American Council on Exercise

Great Informational Link

Posted: September 8, 2006 in Uncategorized

Here is a link to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission Recall Page

Here you can search their database for any recalls concerning household products, children’s toys, etc.