Archive for December, 2006

Lose that Holiday Gut

Posted: December 20, 2006 in Exercise, Nutrition

If your holidays are like mine, you are surrounded by food and can’t stop grazing. Well, before you make that resolution on New Year’s Eve, like you do every year, START NOW. Here is an article from the American Council on Exercise about starting a Step Aerobics program.

Start Right and you will minimize your risk of getting hurt. And try to use some will power so you won’t look like a cow grazing all day.

DNA Testing is HERE

Posted: December 11, 2006 in Uncategorized

DNA Testing is now available at 1 Body Connection.

Are you suseptible to Heart Disease or a Heart Attack?
How well does your body utilize the nutrients you take in?
Are you taking the right nutritional supplements or just throwing your money down the drain?

See the video to find out more.